The Joys of a Twin Pregnancy: One

When I woke up this morning to the sound of Big Girl shuffling into our room at 4:45, I knew I was up for the day. Not by choice, mind you, but because about 10 minutes after that her little sister (who is now sharing a room with Big Girl) decided since she couldn't waltz out of her crib to come and "gnuggle" with the rest of the family, she'd scream at the top of her lungs until we plucked her out of her prison and brought her into our bed too.

Anyway, as I lay there sandwiched between both girls, my mind naturally drifted to the two little ones taking up residence in my uterus ('casue... why would I want to try to sleep?).

For some reason I have been pretty consumed with thinking about this pregnancy. I mean, I was just-this-side of negligent with my other two pregnancies. With Big Girl I was teaching so it was pretty easy not to constantly think of my pregnancy, even though it was my first. I had 200 whining, know-it-all teenagers in my face that I was dealing with so a teeny tiny little baby that couldn't speak back was the least of my worries. And when I was pregnant with little girl, well I wasn't teaching but I was chasing down an infant/one year old whose sole purpose in life was to pop as many bugs/rocks/dishwasher pods into her mouth as possible before I could shove my finger in her mouth to try and fish 'em out.

I mean, I never drank or smoked or any of the major no-nos of pregnancy, but I just didn't think about being pregnant. I could have maybe told you what size produce my baby was, but insofar as kicks and "habits" and whatnot, I never even thought about it. Even thinking about the labor and delivery part didn't really freak me out. I'm just one of those "women have been having babies forever, so I guess I can do it too" people. Apparently, I'm also one of those people who don't take into consideration the infant and mother mortality rate before the advent of modern medicine, but I'm not gonna examine that too closely.

Unlike the other two times I've been pregnant, with this pregnancy I'm pretty obsessive. I know it's because they're twins and there is naturally an increased risk of complications because they're twins, but you'd think my "people have been having babies forever" mentality would translate to "people have been having twins forever." Yea, it doesn't.

Not only can I tell you what size fruit these kids are, I can also tell you what their heart rate was at the last appointment, what kind of twins they are (there are four different types...who knew?!) and what physical change they're supposed to be going through during any given week. I scoff in disgust every time I go onto the internet and there isn't a website dedicated specifically to "what your twins looks like in the womb this week" (yea, I know for a while they're developing just the same as a single baby but I wanna see pictures!). I wake up every morning scrutinizing the size of my "baby bump" trying to gauge whether or not I can tell if they're growing. And I'm only 15ish weeks so the sane Robbin knows that I probably won't be feeling them move for a while but the crazy pregnant lady Robbin who has taken over my life thinks there is something terribly wrong that I don't feel as if there is a Circe du Solie show happening in my midsection.

At this point, I owe an apology to any of those parents I judged for getting an at home doppler so you could hear your baby's heartbeat...I'm so sorry. (And as a side note, if you still have the doppler I'd appreciate if you'd let me borrow it for the next, oh, five months. Thanks.) I even feel like I should backtrack on that judging I did of Tom Crusie and Katie Holmes when they got an ultrasound machine when she was pregnant with Suri. I'd stalk my kids like paparazzi if I had one of those those puppies....


Annnnd I've just realized that I've admitted  I'm as crazy as Tom Crusie. I'm going to go take a nap.


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