An Addendum to my DCMoms post about vaccines...

Waring: This one is more true to sarcastic form and less public-consumption friendly.

Look, I tried to be nice in my NR blog post. For Pete's sake, I was nice!

But there were still belligerent posters telling me how my hours and hours of internet research is FAR less credible than know, because they have as much formal medical training as I do and WAY less post secondary education.

So, because I LOVE hearing from the belligerent, defensive anti-vacciners and just can't keep my mouth shut, here is an analogy for you.

(In layman's terms, an analogy is a comparison between two things that, although may seem dissimilar, really have several know, just in case your WebMD PhD didn't cover literary terms).

Not getting your child vaccinated is like driving buzzed--chances are that you'll make it home safe and sound and no one the wiser, but taking that chance is stupid and puts others at risk.

In the buzzed driver scenario, you are at the bar and you realize that maybe you've had a little too much to drink. (There's been a Measles outbreak and there is a chance your kid could be exposed!).

You have a couple of different options in this scenario. You could hand your keys to someone else at the bar and hope they haven't had as much to drink as you (adhering to the age-old theory of Herd Immunity), or you could call a cab and get home safe and sound.

Now, for sure, there is a slight risk that the cab could wreck on the way home and you'd get hurt in the wreck (possible side-effects of receiving a vaccination). Or that maybe the cab driver himself is buzzed and hits someone on the way home (potential of shedding from vaccinations that contain live strains to someone who wasn't immunized, couldn't receive the immunization for medical reasons, etc.)...but the  most likely scenario is that you arrive home safe and sound, haivng never put anyone in danger. The cab drive is like a vaccine--there are still potential risks but it is hands down the smartest way to get home.

The third option in this scenario is to keep your butt at home in the first place--(this works the same in regards to buzzed driving and not vaccinating. *May I encourage those belligerent respondents or those of you without a sense of humor to take this route....)


  1. I wish you would top shying away from controversial topics.

    1. I know, Jem! What can I say? I'm not comfortable being the boat rocker.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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