Stay at Home Mom

I love teaching. I love the kids, I love being around books and I love telling people that there is so much more to literature and literacy than reading Shakespeare. Recently though, I'm also loving being a stay-at-home Mom. Especially when I have crap to take care of (you know, besides the 2 month old). And even when I don't, Momma gets to bake!!

Yesterday for example, I had about 3452 strawberries that were about to go bad so I decided to make a strawberry/coconut/shortacke/thing. Heaven forbid I look up a recipie and make something that the husband would actually want to eat--nope, leave it to me to be "creative."

Here are some pictures documenting the baking process and final result:
                It takes a coupla dirty dishes to create a masterpiece...
               Umm, 20 minutes at 350 and it's still all goopy. Momma cranked up the heat after that.
               Finally, baked to perfection. Too bad it sucked.... Won't keep me from eating it though.

So that's that...

On a different note, the husband came home yesterday with news of a potential job switch. Essentially he'd move to a smaller firm but there are so many contingencies that it's really not worth getting into right now but it did make me wonder, yet again, how do we know God's plan for our lives? I mean, I'm 120% willing to follow and accept His will (I think ) but I'd really like, you know, like a note stuck to the frigde on what we're supposed to be doing. Not knowing is difficult, not because I don't trust the God will work everything out for His will, I know he will, it's just that I feel like I'd like to prep for whatever He has in store.... I guess that's where faith comes in though. My favorite verse of the Bible is Hebrews 11:1, " Now faith is being sure of what you hope for, and certain for what you do not see." Out of 10+ years of private Christian school education, that's the one verse I can pull up by memory, without hesitation. And I'm pretty sure it was never a required Bible verse memorization---tells ya a little bit about education and what kids retain.I guess I'll keep repeating that and make it my mantra...perhaps that's what I should stick to the fridge....

Finally, on the last note before I go off to fight with the insurance company about doctor's bill (babies are expensive, and according to United Healthcare, worth about $2,000) I'm going to plug my new Etsy site. My best friend Di (also lacking gainful employment) and I have decided to see if anyone wants to spend money on the crafts we make and the pictures we take. If not, it's still a good way to kill three hours.


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