So the pictures didn't happen...

Turns out documenting my baking process yesterday was a little ambitious. Just FYI-If you have a seven week old who feels she needs to be held constantly, you probably won't be creating any complex culinary masterpiece.

What started out as a lemon meringue cake turned out to be a lemonish, curdy, leaky meringue cake--thing. It actually didn't taste too bad but it looked like the creation of a bunch of five year olds in summer camp. You see, meringue, while not too complicated, needs to be watched closely, especially if you're trying to create a meringue/seven minute icing. 

OH well, c'est la vie. (I took French in high school--impressed?).

Husband did enjoy the tacos and the flavor of the cake so not all was lost. The in-laws came over and oohed and ahhed over Baby, so that is always nice.

My game plan today---Rabbit trail: My husband thinks it's the funniest thing that I speak aloud or write down my "game plan" every day. Like I'll be rummaging around the house looking for my phone or whatever and he'll go, "Robbin, you realize I'm not going to be here today and therefore don't need to know what you're planing on doing every hour?" I mean I'll call him and give him a rundown while he's a work. While he doesn't find it all that helpful, it does me a world of good! So, I'm gonna write down my game plan for today and you can choose to read it or not. Think of it as a condensed, one-time tweet.

Anyway, today, I'm going to try to finish my online resume, call unemployment and set up a time to come in, then go and visit our friends who are in town. They have three kiddos, the youngest is the same age as Baby. I'm about to be surrounded by a whole bunch of baby goodness!

Side note, as I was typing that last part it dawned on me that this is why I hate keeping journals--instead of doing any kind of creative writing, I get stuck in the "Dear Diary" mode and write down a litneay of things I've done or am going to do. Now, don't get me wrong, that all has it's place, especially since I have the memory of a gnat, but I started the blog to do a little creative writing an dthus far, I've managed to bore myself with my to-do-done lists!

Maybe tomorrow will bring a change....

Now, for your viewing pleasure, remnants of last night's birthday cake extravaganza.


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