Photographic Evidence

First of all, let me start off by saying I do NOT get the pregnant tween (much less the grown woman) who decides to do a selfie everyday of her pregnancy to document how "OMG HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE I'M getting LOL ;)". When it's your third go round, and you've doubled up on the kid carrying capacity to boot, you cover all the mirrors in your house like the soulless vampire you have become.

Saying that, I have determined that some photographic evidence is necessary in-order to counter the disbelief D and I are met with every time we announce we're having twins.

Exhibit A:

Yes, that is an ultrasound picture from 11-12 weeks. No, you are not seeing double. There are definitely two of them, yin-and-yanged together.

Exhibit B:

This is my gut at 13 weeks.
...I'm not confident my body will fit in the frame near the end of the pregnancy.

Sometimes its hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that we're having twins. Especially when I consider the very real possibility they might be born in December, when my entire family will be out of the country and I will be all alone (minus D who will be living in his office turned mini-studio apartment since I'm pretty sure he'll have to start working 90 more hours a week to keep up stocked in food, much less college funds for four kids) to figure out this double newborn+1 year old+2 year old thing.  But for now, I've decided to just focus on being pregnant and getting through the 9 (8?) months with a couple healthy, crying poop machines to greet me at the end.

My next appointment is on the 7th, which is mine and D's 3rd anniversary. (And yes, I can do the math, thank you. I know that if all goes well and these babies are delivered safely we'll have managed four kids in three years of marriage.) I'm nervous/anxious/excited/curious to see what the doctor says when I see him. I'm just about as clueless about twin pregnancies as I was a couple of weeks ago and it'll be nice to ask him my 400 questions and see if there are any answers he can give us. Coincidentally, my mom will be in town and she'll get to come with me to my appointment, which is kind of a big deal since she lives 4,000 miles away and hasn't gotten to experience any of the pregnancy/labor "stuff" with me any of the other times I've gone through it.

Anyway, as always prayers are welcome.

As are food, cleaning, and child-rearing services in general.


  1. Hey Robbin! I'm a twin mom in Roseburg too :) Mine are 9 months old already!! I have a few books for parents-to-be of multiples if you'd like them. If you have Facebook, there is a moms of multiples group here in town and a few of us twin moms who get together occasionally. Praying for you!!

    1. Thanks Stefani. Thanks for the info. I'll see if I can't find the group on Facebook...I'm confident I'll need all the help I can get!


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