I have an infant to nurse, laundry to fold and a double-wide to vacuum so naturally I choose to dig up an old blog I started eons ago inorder to avoid all of the aforementioned chores. Actually, I'm feeding baby so I'm not COMPLETELY ignoring my responsiblities.

I never really keep up with blogs or post frequently and have decided to embrace that fact that my posts are about as regular as Hailey's coment, but I was thinking earlier that this might be a good forum to post open letters to my girls (also somehting I do about once every 6 months) so that when they're older and lament about the fact that even though I was a stay-at-home mom I never kept a baby book for them, I can point to  (OMG--I have a rolling ball under my arm which I can't move because baby is eating that keeps going "yay!" every 3 seconds...) anywya, I can point to this blog and go, see! I did this! Remember?! Of course I'm banking on the fact that Google will still be able to pull up this blog since I am quite confident that I will lose the username/password required to access this sucker. It took 10 tries just now and it's only been a year...I don't want to think about how I'm gonna find this in 20 years.

Anyway, today Bean is 20+ months and Eds McGeggs (Nickname for youngest I came up with after I told my husband "Eddy isn't a girly enough nickname") is 5 1/2 months.

Some gems from today:

Ans was hoarding waffle slices in her PJs while sitting in her highchair watching "minnie" (AKA Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) during breakfast. Also, she has been demanding "gorange" all day. For those of you who don't speak toddler, gorange is 20 month old for clementine/orange/mandrin. Shes only had 3 today. Not thinking she'll be treated for scurvy anytime soon.

She also has a love/hate relationship with goldfish in that she loves to eat them and hates when I take them away from her for such menial tasks as getting her out of her carseat, putting on her coat, going into the store or feeding her lunch. I'm considering seeing what a diet of goldfish on goranges only will do to her growth--I know it will do wonders for my snaity.

Also, while I was being a neglectful parent super mom and reading various parenting blogs, I chanced to look up and see my toddler laying on top of her little sister and pushing herself up on Eds little torso. Baby seemed resilient so I felt a cursory, "Ans, be gentle!" while not moving from my couch was sufficent in insuring my eldest did no permenent internal damage to my youngest.

Speaking of eldest, I hear her banging around in her room. Since we got the toddler bed, it has been one fast learning curve for Ans from learning that the world will not end if she crawls out of her bed (darn) and opening doors. I went to bed last night worried that she might hurt herself on something I forgot to baby-proof but not worried enough to actually get out of bed and do anything about it.



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