Another day filled with a lot of nothing-important to do. Swap EdsMcGegg's clothes to her 6 month size, go visit the (potential) new house site and go to the Y, not to work out but to pick up the Kindle I left yesterday while corralling the kiddos out of the daycare door. But since I don't HAVE to be anywhere until 11 (and I've already started swapping out onesies) I figured I'd share a little account or two from this morning.

DISCLOSURE: Most of this will be about my eldest since she is a pill mess toddler and tries to find creative ways to make my day more interesting.

Like this morning when I walked into a puddle of her pee in the bathroom floor. We're starting potty training and I've taken a really casual approach. I'd say shes in pull-ups about 70% of the time, diapers 25% and "big-girl-panties" about 5% of the time. This morning is one of the 5% days.

She normally gets up at 630 and this morning was no different. She came down the hall of our tiny double-wide calling for "Bottle! Bottle!" in her most demanding little voice. I hopped to do her bidding since I thought maybe it'd stop the squalling (hahahahaha!) and set her down beside me to watch the "we-be" which I was told needed to be turned "non".

When she had finished her bottle I set her up in her big-girl panties and waited ten minutes before putting her on the potty. Perfection! I heard a little tinkle hitting the pool in the toilet and was rewarded with a big grin and an demand request for "cany!" (We reward her with a gummie bear every time she has a successful trip to the potty). We repeated this little scene 5 or 6 times with success. (She will literally sit on the toilet until she can squeeze out a tinkle of pee, just so she can get some "cany").

Anyway, after about 2 hours Mommy decided she needed to go to the bathroom and when I got out, I again asked Bean if she wanted to go potty. She RAN behind me to the bathroom yelling "cany" and when I got into the little room, SPLASH. I look down and am standing in a puddle of mystery fluid. Hopefully, I turn to my kid thinking I'll find her dry and that we've just had a plumbing leak in the middle of the floor--no luck. She's wet through her princess panties and her princess nightgown and is smiling expectantly at me--"Cany?!"

Another sweet moment from this morning is when I was playing with Little Girl in the floor, Ans came up to me and put a toy (its one of those dumb noise making things in a tube shape---Ed's toy that Ans has claimed as her own) to my mouth, the other end of the toy on her mouth. Shes clearly happy that we're holding the toy between us with just our lips and is smiling and giggling like its the most fun shes ever had.

I'm gazing into her blue eyes, thanking God for this moment and praying that I will remember it forever when all of a sudden I get a searing pain in my right eye then Ans pulls her finger back and laughs in my face. I've just been jabbed in the eye by her grimy, waffle and be-syruped finger.

Yea, I'm going to remember this moment. My retina will have the scar to prove it.


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