Parenting -1

Last night as I was putting Baby to bed, I decided read her the book, "Stellaluna" by Janell Cannon. As an English teacher I find exposing Baby to books really important so I try to read to her every night. After about the 234th read of this particular book, I decided I needed to mix it up--for my sanity if not Baby's.

That's when it hit me. A way to combine reading time and subliminal messaging that the South is is the most important part of her heritage. Suddenly, my rendering of Stellaluna became a showcase of variations of Froghorn Leghorn impersonations. Then and there I decided that I would read all dialogue in her books, from now on, with different southern accents. Obviously I don't want to make it mawkish so the prose between the dialogue is still read with a normal cadence but you better believe that every Disney Princess, every Carebear or Biblical character is gonna have roots in the deep south. Ahh...victory for Robbin Ann!

On a different note, we're headed to central Oregon today! Our camping trip is starting early since the husband doesn't have to work tomorrow. I'm pretty sure we have all of our "kinks" ironed out now so that the trip should be enjoyable.

Our latest...discussion...was last night, over whether or not we should allow the dog in the tent at night. Wanna guess which side I fell on?! Husband's argument was that Kami the dog is a part of the family and shouldn't be neglected and made to sleep outside of the tent or she might feel unloved--Umm, excuse me? We are talking about the dog, right?! Suddenly I didn't know if I should get the dog a grief councelor or my husband a shrink. Look, I love my dog as much as the next person but if it comes down to moderate comfort or having to nurse and change my baby's diaper in a pile of dirt and dog hair, the dog is getting the boot! Which is ultimately the decision he grudgingly came to.

I'm expecting to wake up tonight in the tent with Husband curled up in the back of the truck with the dog....

I'll keep you posted! Hope everyone has an excellent holiday and remember to check back as I'll be posting pictures from this weekend (get pumped).


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