I Prayed for McDonald’s
When I was a youth (I'm not gonna say when I was “little” because at a BMI hovering around 35% for most of my life “little” is, at best, an incredibly misleading portrayal of me during childhood) one of my favorite meals was a Super-Sized Big Mac Meal with Dr. Pepper. I’d eat that meal whenever, wherever it was offered. My affinity for the Golden Arches was so great that even those 3 days I claimed to be vegetarian in the 7 th grade did not deter—I just gobbled up a double order of fries…because that was healthier, obviously. Fast forward 20 years and I now have a BMI in the healthy range, and 4 kids for whom I am responsible for keeping alive and turning into decent human beings. While my kids have consumed their fair share of Happy Meals, I generally try to feed them a healthy, balanced diet. I never restrict how much they eat (unless it’s sugar or absolute crap, like chips or fruit snacks) but I try to keep an eye on what they’re eating and encourage healthy choices.